News | Oliu

How Digital Trust Is Reshaping the Emerging Technology Landscape

Written by Oliu powered by ATB Ventures | Apr 2, 2024 3:00:18 PM

In today's fast-paced digital world, the technological landscape is constantly evolving. From the rise of artificial intelligence to the widespread adoption of blockchain, innovation is reshaping industries at an unprecedented rate. 


In Canada, companies are increasingly recognizing the value of identity verification technology. In recent years, 72% of online markets and 52% of financial services providers have increased their use of ID verification technology. And with nearly eight in 10 Canadians expressing worries over online privacy issues, digital trust solutions are a natural step for many organizations to enhance security while providing customer-centric experiences.


“Digital trust is the new currency of business. Leaders need a new set of solutions to meet the demands of today’s digital-first environment.”

– Azim Esmail, Head of Growth & Partnerships at ATB Ventures


Download our report “How Digital Trust Is Reshaping the Emerging Technology Landscape” to learn why organizations must adopt the principles of digital trust to remain relevant in today’s digital-first environment.